Information for StudentsStudents
Student Life
Summerville High School education extends far beyond the classroom. We offer a variety of co-curricular and extra curricular activities for students. A comprehensive high school program must include activities that allow students the opportunity to explore their interests and cultivate their talents.
Associated Student Body
Associated Student Body (ASB) is a form of student government that revolves around:
- Community Service
- Enhanced School Spirit
- Running the smaller functions of the school
- Keeping everyone involved in their school
Students Enrolled in ASB
Academic Programs
Students at Summerville High School have many exciting programs to choose from. From diverse elective course offerings to exciting clubs and activities, there are many ways to get involved and find something you like. The link below takes you to some of those programs that you can ask your GLC or an adviser about.
Extend your Learning
Early College Program
The Early College Program is a partnership between Summerville and Columbia College which allows juniors and seniors to take college classes concurrently with their high school classes. Summerville grade level coordinators will work with students to help adjust their high school schedule to best adapt to their college course schedule.
Graduation Requirements
The Summerville Union High School District has developed policies and procedures that address promotion and acceleration. Progress toward graduation shall be based on the number of credits earned.
What’s Happening?
California Healthy Kids Survey
The California healthy kids survey is a very important survey that will help promote better health and well-being among our youth, improve the school learning environment and combat problems such as drug abuse and violence.
Beyond the Cave
Beyond the Cave, Summerville High School’s student newspaper can be found here.
Work Permit applications
View and print work permit application. All students under the age of 18 are required to have a current work permit on file in order to work.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is published annually to inform students of their Rights & Responsibilities and to use as a guide throughout the school year.
Course Handbook
By opening this handbook, students are beginning the process of planning their high school career pathway.
PowerSchool Login
Create a parent account that allows you to view all of your students with one account.
Transportation & Bus Schedules/Routes
Locate the latest bus routes and schedules for regular and snow schedules.
Food Services and Cafeteria Menu
Free and Reduced Price Meals are available, under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), to all families who believe they may qualify.
Transcript Request (NEW)
We have partnered with Parchment to simplify the transcript ordering process for you. You can request your transcripts more efficiently, and we can deliver them to your chosen colleges in the format they prefer.
School Pay
View and pay cafeteria, transportation, and other account balances.
Online Store
Check out our online store to purchase your school spirit wear.
Work Permits
Fill out the Work Permit Application and return it to the school office.
Internet Policy
Read and sign acceptable use policy for on-line services.
Device Agreement Form
Read and sign acceptable use policy for the use of student devices.
Cell Phone Use Policy
Read and sign acceptable use policy for the use of cell phones.
Student WiFi
Students can now access WiFi with their personal devices. Learn how and when you can connect.