College and Career Updates

It’s Scholarship Season!
- Seniors it is time to complete those scholarships, most of the Local Scholarships will be due Tuesday, April 8th
- SAF Scholarships are now open and due Friday, March 7th.
ASVAB Test: Wednesday, May 14th at 8:30am in the Library – Sign up with Jamee
- The ASVAB stands for The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, it is a military entrance exam that helps determine eligibility for enlistment and job training. Visit ASVAB Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
- Students that take the ASVAB test are provided access to Career Exploratory Program (CEP), which is a free program that allows students to explore their interests and skills, both within and outside of the military.

Upcoming college visits will start again in the Spring!
- Juniors & Sophomores what College Campuses do you want to see?
Complete your 2025-2026 FAFSA form Today!
- Completion of the 2025-2026 FASFA form is now available and required for all students going to college next year! If you have still not completed FASFA see Jamee in the College and Career Center for help!